Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Everyone empowers the enemy but Bush.

With Rummy and Cheney gearing up for the midterms by giving the same old "cut and run" speeches, we have to ask: isn't it amazing that George W. Bush is just about the only the person on the planet that doesn't empower the terrorists?

Let's take a look at the list of the worst terror-empowering offenders, in no particular orer, provided by Putz and other self-appointed members of the terrorist non-empowering community.

1. The press
2. Michael Moore
3. John Murtha
4. John Kerry
5. The nearly 50 million Americans who voted for John Kerry
6. Anyone who criticizes the President
7. The generals who criticized Don Rumsfeld
8. Jimmy Carter
9. George H.W. Bush
10. Ronald Reagan

Remember: the Bushies did exactly what bin Laden wanted in response to 9/11: they invaded a nation that had nothing whatsoever to do with the attacks, a nation that had strayed from the "true" Islam. As bin Laden predicted, they occupied it, and now have trapped our forces in the middle of a bloody, protracted religious conflict.

Remember: these are the people that gave us Abu Ghraib and Gitmo -- which will certainly be recruiting posters for al Qaeda for the next 20 years.

And yet they have the gall to lecture everyone else about what "emboldens" or gives "aid and comfort" to this enemy.

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