Saturday, June 24, 2006

John Kerry: career traitor.

It doesn't get any Putzier than this beauty:
INVESTOR'S BUSINESS DAILY: Sen. John Kerry has spent a career taking the side of America's enemies.
Charming. This is what the right has become. Why don't they just rename the Republican Party "Ingsoc" and get it over with?

Putz, thinking this grotesque smear insufficient, adds,
Kerry will have his Iraq position all figured out by, say, 2016. This is one of many reasons why Democrats should be embarrassed that he was their nominee -- and why Republicans should be embarrassed that he came so close to winning.
Wait a minute.

If John Kerry has such a long, well-documented track record as a traitor, shouldn't it be Bush who's embarassed?

I mean, a wartime President, managing only a 2% margain over a traitor -- the smallest margain by an incumbent since 1916 -- carried limping across the finish line by a well-funded smear campaign and a bunch of homophobic Ohioans?

Then again, since the Republicans picked this lazy-minded, unaccomplished lightweight in 2000, the least objectively qualified man ever to hold the office, a man who believes there's more than one Internet, and who cannot pronounce the word "nuclear", maybe Putz has a point.

The Republicans should be embarassed.

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