So, about that hiatus...
It's been a great run, but I'm officially retiring from blogging. With my new day job in New York, I simply don't have the time to write about politics every day.
Back in July, I thought I could carve out a time and schedule that made sense. But it never quite emerged. So, after mocking Putz and various other wingnuts for seven years, first here, then at Glenn Greenwald's old place, then FDL and finally, C&L -- I've just run out of time.
The reason I started Instaputz back in April 2006 was a simple one: Glenn Reynolds was still regarded in the corporate media and a good chunk of the blogosphere as a "nonpartisan libertarian." Back then, he had respectable gigs at The Guardian and was profiled glowingly in the Times. And his faux centrism skewed the debate about the Iraq War -- and American politics generally -- to the right.
How times have changed.
I'd like to think this post had something to do with the erosion of his ability to successfully pose as a "nonpartisan libertarian," but ultimately, as the War in Iraq deteriorated even further and Bush proved himself to be every bit as incompetent as his critics had been saying from the start, Glenn helpfully outed himself as a boringly conventional, Bush-supporting, gun-toting right-winger from East Tennessee.
It's been fascinating to watch his descent into 110-proof wingnuttery. His total wrongness about the Iraq War was followed by his total wrongness about the Great Recession. And after Barack Obama was elected (yes, Putz was bullish on a McCain victory -- along with other things), just like every other Bush/Cheney cheerleader who didn't want to call themselves Republicans after being humiliated in back-to-back elections, he put all his energy into promoting the Teabaggers -- a movement that just four years later is now, predictably, a massive dumpster fire.
And here's the best part. The sad, small fig leaf Putz used back in 2006 to make himself seem "centrist" -- his support of gay marriage -- is now boringly mainstream. And, tellingly, he hasn't found another to replace it. But he doesn't bother with the pretense anymore, and anyway, no one's buying it when he tries.
His hatred for liberals, Democrats, and "the media" -- which simmered and occasionally boiled over during the Bush years -- became unhinged, spittle-producing rage during the Obama years. The "nonpartisan" who constantly whined about how mean and unfair "the press" and "the left" was to Bush finally snapped and labeled the first black president in American history a "racist hatemonger," sounding more like a deranged Stormfront blogger than a law professor.
In short, this blog's reason for being -- exposing Glenn Reynolds' wingnuttery -- has run its course. So, I'm saying goodbye.
The best thing about blogging has been all the great people I've met through it along the way, especially, my two former Instaputz co-bloggers, TS and Ed.
Other friends I've made through Instaputz: Glenn Greenwald, Jane Hamsher, John Amato, Dave Neiwert, Marcy Wheeler, Eli, Greg Levine, Bmaz, Pachacutec, Tbogg, Christy Hardin Smith, Watertiger, Phoenix Woman, the late and classy Scarecrow, Peterr, Richard Taylor, Spencer Ackerman, David Dayen, the FDL crew and the C&L crew. They're the best.
Can't sign off before giving a special shout-out to the most loyal and hilarious Instaputz commenter, Charles Giocometti. Charles -- next time you're in New York, I'll be happy to buy you a beer.
I never imagined back in April 2006 that this thing would be visited over 3,000,000 times, and at one point, attract over 3,000 visitors a day. That's just weird.
Thanks for all the visits. And thanks, especially for all the comments on this post -- which to this day, still move me.
Tuesday, October 01, 2013
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Damn. I'll miss you,
On the other hand, TBogg's been reincarnated at Raw Story. Hope flickers in the darkness.
Not going to say goodbye. Only au revoir and thanks for all you've done to make my world a better place.
Because I love you.
I guess it's best to end this abusive relationship. Will miss you though.
Thanks for all the fish.
Adios amigo!
Thanks for all the blogging. Best wishes.
Bummer man! (But it's been a good run for ya)
always enjoyed.
Thanks for all the laughs and for all of your insightful and witty comments, BT. All the best.
Live long and prosper.
Always enjoyed reading your stuff here. It was a great antidote to the toxic sophistry coming from the Perfesser of Lawyerin', Jug-blowin' and Shine-brewin' for which it's named!
Best to you, BT; thanks for the outrage-laughs.. See you around the 'tubes.
We'll miss you BT, best of luck. Oh yeah, one last thing:
Thanks for the work you've done. I'll miss your succinct, incisive posts. I hope you get as much out of retirement as Tbogg has. :)
Thanks. All the best
Thanks for the good times and helping us through the bad. This blog will be missed.
Just read this. Go with God, or with what/whomever. Well done. We will miss you. Putz is and will always be worthy of your scorn. But we'll get by. Live long and prosper. Thanks.
Mr. Wonderful
It was good.
Long ago I took over Agitprop, but it was never quite the same. A few of us could fill in the blanks here, but again, it would not be the same. We will miss you (especially me when I needed a go-to for MBRU at C&L). Just keep the fucking domain name in case you fall and hit your head and change your mind.
Good luck and thank you for all the wonderful posts.
Hope springs eternal...perhaps you will find time for us again--but take care of yourself first.
Best of luck!
(And if you do wander back to blogging at some point, that's fine, too. Nothing wrong with infrequent posting.)
Is there some kind of Bat Signal we can send you when you're needed BT? e.g.,
In many parts of America, waving a Confederate flag outside the home of a black family would be considered a very hostile act.
--Jeffrey Goldberg, Oct 13, 2013
Prob a plant. Usually is.
--Putz, Oct 13, 2013
You'll be missed.
Best of luck.
Heh. Indeed. Read the whole thing! Heh. Indeed. Read the whole thing! Heh. Indeed. Read the whole thing! Heh. Indeed. Read the whole thing! Heh. Indeed. Read the whole thing! Heh. Indeed. Read the whole thing! Heh. Indeed. Read the whole thing! Heh. Indeed. Read the whole thing! Heh. Indeed. Read the whole thing! Heh. Indeed. Read the whole thing! Heh. Indeed. Read the whole thing! Heh. Indeed. Read the whole thing! Heh. Indeed. Read the whole thing! Heh. Indeed. Read the whole thing! Heh. Indeed. Read the whole thing! Heh. Indeed. Read the whole thing! Heh. Indeed. Read the whole thing! Heh. Indeed. Read the whole thing! Heh. Indeed. Read the whole thing! Heh. Indeed. Read the whole thing! Heh. Indeed. Read the whole thing! Heh. Indeed. Read the whole thing! Heh. Indeed. Read the whole thing! Heh. Indeed. Read the whole thing! Heh. Indeed. Read the whole thing! Heh. Indeed. Read the whole thing! Heh. Indeed. Read the whole thing! Heh. Indeed. Read the whole thing! Heh. Indeed. Read the whole thing! Heh. Indeed. Read the whole thing! Heh. Indeed. Read the whole thing! Heh. Indeed. Read the whole thing! Heh. Indeed. Read the whole thing!
You will be missed.
About fucking time you gave it up.
The left has become a fucking joke. Didn't stop the Iraq war, didn't stop Bush...what a fucking JOKE!
I used to vote for you, until you decided to run a fucking black man, so you could get votes.
Glenn won, you lost, you pussied out, when things got too tough. Fucking crybaby.
Obama sucks, as does the dems. Enjoy your life in hell, idiot.
Your Mom.
Don't you have a class on Space Law to teach, Glenn?
Heh indoodily ding dong diddily doddily doo, libs!
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From 2006 to 2013, Instaputz was a blog dedicated to critiquing Glenn Reynolds, a law professor and blogger known as "Instapundit." The blog aimed to present counterarguments and highlight problematic aspects of Reynolds' commentary. It featured a mix of analytical posts, rebuttals, and commentary on politics, media, and social issues. The blog's writing style was often sharp and critical, reflecting the authors' strong disagreement with Reynolds' perspectives. Although Instaputz is no longer active, its existence highlights the dynamic nature of online discourse and the role of critical blogs in fostering debate arlington criminal lawyer.
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