Thursday, July 19, 2007

Sorry, Jeff, But...

I can't in good conscience give money to the author of this sentence:

General Petraeus, commander of multinational forces in Iraq, will be testifying before Congress in September regarding the effectiveness to date of his counterinsurgency and security strategy, and the Congressional Democrats have already predetermined what his testimony will be and what it will mean -- and, as a result, the majority party in both houses of Congress is (and has been) ready to declare defeat at the earliest possible moment in Iraq, to leave the middle east in chaos (and abandon innocent civilians to the slaughter), and to allow al Qaeda to be victorious in what they claim is the central front in the war on terror, all for the sole purpose of staining the President's hands with blood and thereby profiting politically from the situation.

It's not so much that this bilious little fuckwad (who's raising Benjamins for his Baghdad plane fare) actually believes that the Dems want out of Iraq because, he says, the resulting bloody chaos will make al Qaeda totally stoked, and thereby help the Democrats to achieve their loftiest goal -- to "stain" Bush's mitts and "thereby profit politically from the situation."

No, I won't give this wannabe wingnut welfare recipient goat's perenium a dime because, on balance, I don't think anyone should be paid to write 125-word run-on sentences.

But if Putz wants to nourish writing that would make Edward George Bulwer-Lytton blush, it's his buck.

..."Add some gritty, street-level commentary about the ordinary heroism of our Republican armed forces, and this kid could be his generation’s Michael Yon," notes S,N!

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