Thursday, July 19, 2007

I Wish I'd Written This

His Grace:

I never thought of myself as particularly radical. I liked certain things government could do but I didn’t figure that it should do everything.

And then, I don’t know when exactly it happened (I think it was the early nineties in Canada) but all of a sudden the word conservative didn’t mean the same thing any more.

It went from questioning whether or not the government should be nationalizing a particular industry to government shouldn’t own anything for the public good. It went from “Is this particular tax necessary or effective” to “The government is stealing everything.”

I used to use the words “family values” with pride. I could talk about the strength of families and how it gave me a solid foundation as a person. Then it became synonymous with hating gays, abortion and unwed teenage mothers.

Eventually I found out that I was a communist because I didn’t trust capitalism to advance everyone fairly and that I was going to hell because I didn’t believe in the rapture. I’m a terrorist sympathizer because I thought that the war in Iraq was stupid from the get-go.

So I’m a liberal-comie-mexislamofascist-moonbat now. I wear such names with pride.

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