Wednesday, November 07, 2012

Pantload has a big sad.

Stupid voters.

Let’s not kid ourselves, last night was a bad night. I understand and appreciate the impulse to “come together” and put aside the partisanship. That’s a good and necessary impulse in politics. But so is honesty. And I think the voters made a terrible mistake. No serious person thinks that just because the public votes one way or another, their verdict is right. But all American citizens should accept that the voters have the final say. Maybe things will work out better than I expect with another four years of Barack Obama in the White House. Crazier things have happened. 
But that’s not how I’d bet.


Anonymous said...

This is like Hitler blaming the German people for losing the war: "The voters have failed us"...because they think you and your ideas suck--with good reason...

Jethro Boehner said...

Jonah should go hide under his mommy's bed and have a good cry. He can snuggle up with his two Pulitzer nominations.

jvwalt said...

Ugh, the people, they're always screwing up democracy. The system would work so much better without them.

jvwalt said...

Ugh, the people, they're always screwing up democracy. The system would work so much better without them.

Mr. Wonderful said...

Wait--Pantload thinks "honesty" is important too? Pinch me, I'm dreamin'.

Iko said...

The butt ... and the butthurt is large with this one.