Tuesday, April 07, 2009

The real America

Mike from Rortybomb tipped me off on this Washington Independent piece on a trip to a gun show.

If you've never attended a gun show, I can't recommend it highly enough. It is an experience every person needs to have once. As much as the NRA tries to put a wholesome face on its subculture, the "Shooting sports are safe and fun for the whole family!" theme is virtually absent from gun shows. The "Jews/liberals/guvmint are coming to take your money/guns/etc" theme, however, is prominent. It's not even slightly subtle - the Nazi paraphenalia, white nationalist manifestos, calls for armed resistance, and stock-the-bunkers paranoia are peddled quite openly. One might even say brazenly.

The paranoia is running wild, what with our black secret Muslim President, and if the Clinton years are a blueprint then I fear we are in for a lot more violence in the near future.

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