Monday, January 21, 2008

Why Do the Republicans Hate Evangelism?

KJL cluelessly bleats:

"Double standard alert: Just asking: Why is it that when Democratic candidates address black congregations — like Clinton and Obama did yesterday — it doesn’t generate the same kind of skeptical press it does when Republican candidates speak at evangelical churches?"

This is a tough one. It might have something to do with the Democrats pushing through Civil Rights legislation while the National Review warned of Negro terrors, referred to whites as the advanced race, and Republicans engaged in decades of racist campaigning and politicking in the South.

Whereas non-evangelical Republicans have done their best to demonize and downplay Huckabee as a credible candidate, appearing frightened and angered that a true evangelist might do well (just scroll through Putz and the Corner for the last month or so to see).

Almost as if somebody's pandering to a group they secretly abhor, flip-flopping at a moment's notice if it appears politically useful. Romney Rising?

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