Thursday, April 26, 2007

Putz and Alberto Gonzales

In light of this post, in which Putz applauds David Broder for a column that, by rights, ought to earn The Dean a one-way trip to the dog track, I wondered what Putz had written about Gonzales.

Turns out, not much of, um, substance. Let's review, chronologically:

1. "SPEAK OUT AND BE FIRED: More McCarthyite crushing of dissent in John Ashkkkroft's Alberto Gonzales' America!"

2. "If a lefty were being treated this way, we'd be hearing about McCarthyism and crushing of dissent in John Ashkkkroft's Alberto Gonzales' America."

3. "More crushing of dissent in John Ashkkkroft's Alberto Gonzales' America!"

4. "Bonus to Karl Rove if any Democrats connect Gonzales to the "Spanish Inquisition.""

5. "GONZALES, ETC.: I kind of shot my wad..."*

6. "More crushing of dissent. I blame John Ashcroft! Alberto Gonzales!"

7. "Attorney General Alberto Gonzales and Secretary of State Condi Rice have both insisted that program [the NSA eavesdropping program] is legal."

8. "MORE CRUSHING OF DISSENT: I blame John Ashcroft Alberto Gonzales. And Fox News!"

As you can see, Putz is a very serious fellow.

*He gets points for honesty!

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