Monday, June 21, 2010


From a recent post by Rod Dreher:

I have just learned that my friend the Washington journalist Tom Kelly has died at age 86. What a wonderful man he was. He lived around the corner from me on Capitol Hill when I was there in the early 1990s, and he and his wife, Miss Marguerite, welcomed me and other young journalists into their home. I remember spending one Thanksgiving morning in Miss Marguerite's kitchen, eating raw Potomac oysters a friend had brought in. Tom and Marguerite's son was Michael Kelly, who was the first journalist killed in the second Iraq War.

Kelly's Wiki entry, too, says he "was the first reporter officially killed in action in Iraq."

Trouble is, this is false. Paul Moran, Terry Lloyd and Kaveh Golestan all predeceased Kelly. 

This is only true if  "officially" means "American."

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