Wednesday, December 31, 2008


What can I say? I like the guy.

Speaking to reporters on Monday at Rockefeller Center as a crowd of tourists looked on, Mr. Bloomberg seemed conflicted as to what homeowners should do with their rebate money. “If you ask me for financial advice, which I should not be giving, I would say be a little bit conservative, you know, wear that dress one more season, wear the cargo one more year,” he said. “But on the other hand, if you all do that, then we’re going to have the recession that I’m trying to prevent.”

...For the record, I have no idea what Mike means by "wear the cargo." I've e-mailed my pal D-Kim, who, in addition to being a fox, is an expert in contemporary slang.

...Also, I think the rebate is a stupid, shortsighted move.

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