Monday, July 14, 2008

What They Said.

Given more thought, I agree completely with The Eds.:

The problem is that the New Yorker - like me - is not an organ of the Obama campaign, and so is under no obligation to justify what it says on the basis of whether it may be misconstrued by idiots to the detriment of that campaign. That’s why some people read the New Yorker and blogs rather than horrible anodyne focus group-tested campaign statements - because reading PR is boring and turns you stupid. We are adults in a free country, and we are allowed - I would say almost obligated - to have, to the best of our abilities, free, adult discussions, even into the very teeth of unfalsifiable theories about how these discussions will bring about armaggedon. Similiar concern troll theories have explained to me that using bad words, employing a mocking tone, lacking respect for media elders, and generally behaving in a way which might upset someone’s pilled-up granny will bring about terrible calamity, and I’ve ignored them, too, because A) they are all silly, and B) this is fucking America, so fuck you and your stupid fucking wingnut grandma. That the leading lights of the liberal blogosphere have decided to run with this one is more a source of embarrassment for them than a selling point for the theory.

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