Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Dude, Just Shut Up.

Roger, I'm embarrassed for you.
Why would Lee pick this fight?

Unfortunately, it couldn’t be more obvious. Like Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton, time has been passing Spike Lee by. His worldview comes from another era and he has never really sought to revise it, to open his eyes. Proof of that is that for more than a decade Spike has barely made a film any of us can remember.

"Barely remember," eh? Some of us find it hard to forget the destruction of a city.

Safe to assume he also forgets that Spike Lee's last feature made an assload of money -- $184,376,254 worldwide. Not so shabby, Mr. Prague Duet. (A movie, incidentially, that didn't gross enough to refill my Metrocard.)

Proof that self-awareness is not universal, please note Roger's description of Spike as an "aging artist grasping for attention."


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