Thursday, February 28, 2008

Blogofascists*, Rejoice! A New Word: Jonanism. (Updated)

Jonanism, the second-greatest word ever*, is roughly defined here ("any and all loose examples of [Jonah Goldberg's] self-contradictory, tedious piffle") and coined by my new hero, Calling All Toasters. Pinko Punko speaks the awful truth:
The fact that no one came up with “Jonanism” before the above suggests that the entire snarkopotamia should hang their heads in disgrace and possibly turn in their commenting badges.

It's sad. But this wrong can righted, can it not? Let's get this puppy in the vernacular.

...Here's the exact definition:


Jo·nan·ism -noun

1. The belief that everybody you hate is exactly the same.

2. The belief that evidence that nobody takes you seriously means you are very serious.

3. Any attempt to popularize these beliefs in book and associated website form.

[Origin: c. 2008, from ‘Jonah Goldberg’ and ‘onanism’; see calling all toasters]



Jo·na·sm -noun

1. Despite its vociferous triumphalism, a bit premature, and not very impressive.

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