Monday, August 13, 2007

Fox News: Victory or Retreat? How The Spectacularly Successful Surge Proves That Democrats Are Defeatist Cowards.

I've seen some pretty outrageous things on Faux News, but I caught most of their special, "Victory or Retreat? The Surge and Politics" over the weekend and it's easily the most hilariously biased piece in the history of television.

Look at this summary:

Six months ago, President Bush sent 20,000 extra troops to Iraq. In this exclusive report, FOX News goes inside this 'surge' and discovers it is getting results.

Since the troop build-up, fewer Iraqis are being killed — civilian casualty rates are down by about a one-third — and there are significant improvements in former hotspots as Iraqis are beginning to take the lead.

Perhaps most importantly, the surge is squeezing Al Qaeda and eliminating its leaders.

Tune in this weekend, as FOX News examines what's become the most pressing question facing America today: Do we keep fighting for victory, or do we pull out of Iraq?

But the title really tells you all you need to know. The Great Leader's Victory is Upon Us but the defeatist Democrats want us to lose. They don't have the courage to stand up to the Terrorists, who were emboldened when the weak and appeasing Bill Clinton was President and gutted our military. They want to run away and hide, and hope the Terrorists go away, but the Great Leader knows we must fight them and win. Can the Leader defeat al Qaeda despite Congress' best efforts?

Seriously, I'm not exaggerating.

There's a diary at Kos on it here.

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