Saturday, June 23, 2007

A truly putzy post.

What's the putziest thing about this post?

ATTACKING TALK RADIO via legislation? If you can't beat people, silence 'em! Trent Lott will probably sign on.

UPDATE: I see that Hillary and Boxer are denying the report, but I gather Inhofe is standing by it. Frankly, I think they're lying -- the Democrats, and many of the Republican inhabitants of Incumbistan, like Trent Lott, would be happy to shut up talk radio, and all the other alt-media, too. If they say otherwise, I don't believe them.

Is it:

A) That Putz considers that nutjob James Inholfe a credible source
B) That the story turned out to be bogus, but Putz still insists Clinton and Boxer are "lying"
C) That the nonpartisan is taking up for Michael Savage and El Rushbo


D) That Putz says the Democrats "can't beat" the GOP -- after the '06 midterms


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