Monday, June 25, 2007

Consider the Source

Putz thinks that Pete Hegseth -- who's on the payroll of the Manhattan Institute, is a pal of Powerline, and nutty enough to have told Chris Matthews that opposition to the war is "definitely going to undermine that effort" to stabilize Iraq -- is the right man to give those of us who think the war sucks a "reality check." Shah. I'd be more convinced if Hegseth hadn't ended his agitprop with this:

In his op-ed, Sen. Levin invoked the example of Abraham Lincoln, who endured years of challenges before finding the right generals and strategy to win the Civil War. After four years of uncertainty in Iraq, America finally has both the general and the strategy to turn the tide. The question is whether 2007 will unfold like 1865 or 1969.

President Lincoln chose to fight a bloody and unpopular war because he believed the enemy had to be defeated. He was right. And to me, that sounds more than a bit like the situation our country faces today. What path will we choose?

If Hegseth's grasp of history is any indication -- the American civil war "more than a bit" resembles Iraq, not because of anything relating to the war, per se, but because President Bush is an obstinate fucking jackass who cares not about public opinion and a mounting death toll -- methinks his relationship to reality is kinda tenuous, if non-existent.

But, hey, good for the Washinton Post!

UPDATE: Batshit insane Bill Quick seconds Hegseth's crap. The company Putz keeps is just delightful.

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