Monday, April 02, 2007

Putz + Surber = Teh Stupid

At Putz's behest, I pondered Surber's question...

"Could we please stop arguing and go back to fighting this war?"

...because I'd assumed -- naively, as it turns out -- that dying is what sometimes happens when you fight in wars. But now I know better!

And look, I know my place. I am but a lowly Brooklyn-based blogger; Surber's got unimpeachable em ess em credentials as an analyst. Who am I to disagree with a guy who thinks that the New York Times has been "weakened by the purge of Judith Miller"?

Not I.

See also this gem:

Of course, white boys who become Taliban are also a problem. That was the reason David Hicks was kept under lock and key for so long.

Sure. That's why it's taken seven years for the "tribunal" to spit out (essentially) a slap-on-the-wrist sentence.

A show of hands: should Putz stick to what he knows (i.e. how to spot an energy-efficient light bulb)?

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