Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Just Because She's Dead Doesn't Mean I Can't Take Her to the Yankee Game !

Even Putz admits that Michael Ware didn't "heckle" McCain. For Pajamas Media, however -- the proverbial VC in the jungle for whom the war isn't over -- the matter isn't settled:

The video everyone was looking for has appeared. But it doesn’t seem to support the allegation that CNN’s Michael Ware heckled John McCain during a presser in Baghdad (Raw Story). Not conclusive, says Rob @ Say Anything, since it ends precisely when Ware raised his hand to make a question.

P.T. Barnum seems more prescient by the minute, doesn't he?

On an even lighter note, the headline is a gas. Is Roger Simon sniffing glue, or is he not?

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