Friday, February 16, 2007

Circular firing squad update.

This morning, Putz links approvingly to the hilarious Victory Caucus, boasting a "board of governors" consisting of Dean Barnett, Austin Bay, Hew Hughitt, and Frank "What Lincoln Said" Gaffney, just to name a few.

Their mission?
Deliver the perspectives and news on the war effort which the mainstream media neglects to help the American public understand the nature of our conflict and its true progress.
It just cracks me up that these nutbars actually think the liberal media distortion meme still has any traction, anywhere. I mean, who do they think are they talking to? Do they think the three-fourths of the American people who don't support the escalation of Bush's 4-year war will read this and change their mind? And telling 75% of the public they just don't get it doesn't seem like good messaging.

But the real point of the site seems to be to take down the "White Flag Republicans" who aren't sufficiently loyal to the Great Leader and His Glorious War. Notes Hew Hughitt,

Today’s vote in the House will be significant only for the light it will cast on the Republicans. We know the Democrats are committed to defeat in Iraq, and Congressman Murtha is the gift of clarity that keeps giving.

But we will also get the outlines of the extent of the White Flag Republicans, and while not all of them will draw the same level of ire as term-limit pledge breaking “Lawnboy” Ric “It Runs Like A Deere” Keller, the WFRs will not escape that designation even if the war goes well and Iraq stabilizes. At a crucial moment, they bolted.

They are leaving behind a House GOP badly scarred. I doubt very much if the message isn’t getting through or the NRC or the NRCC. The latter will have to radically restructure if it is to get grassroots appeal back. I won’t be giving to the NRCC because it will be supporting WFRs.

I love it when wingnuts eat their own. Pass the popcorn.

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