Friday, February 16, 2007

Bush gives "background noise" update on Afghanistan.

(Pictured: The President, not giving much perspective by delivering non-news about Afghanistan.)

George W. Bush, yesterday:
"Across Afghanistan last year, the number of roadside-bomb attacks doubled, direct-fire attacks on international forces almost tripled and suicide bombings grew nearly fivefold," Mr. Bush said.
Putz, on blogging.
There’s a lot of stuff I tend more or less by design not to blog. I mean, I blog about war stuff, but I try to blog about stuff that gives perspective. So I tend to skip both the ‘new suicide bombing in Baghdad’ perennial story, and the ‘top aide of Zarqawi captured’ perennial story. Because in a way, those aren’t really news: they don’t really tell you anything about what’s happening. Unless there’s some reason to pay extra attention, I consider those types of stories part of the background noise.
I really wish the President would really tell us what's happening in Afghanistan instead of just giving us the background noise. Then again, Putz is under the misconception that things are going well there, so maybe this is news to him.

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