Friday, January 19, 2007

Lots of people getting killed is just "background noise."

Above: Winston Churchill, inspecting totally inconsequential bomb damage from German planes, during the non-eventful Battle of Britain.

A little birdie (Tristram Shandy, who's quite the Pajamas expert himself) just pointed out this puzty tidbit from the Pajamas archive, where Putz talks about which stories he blogs about and which stories he ignores.

Quoth the Putz:
There’s a lot of stuff I tend more or less by design not to blog. I mean, I blog about war stuff, but I try to blog about stuff that gives perspective. So I tend to skip both the ‘new suicide bombing in Baghdad’ perennial story, and the ‘top aide of Zarqawi captured’ perennial story. Because in a way, those aren’t really news: they don’t really tell you anything about what’s happening. Unless there’s some reason to pay extra attention, I consider those types of stories part of the background noise.
So right you are, Putz. I mean, there's really no reason to pay much attention to mass carnage, the deaths of thousands of civilians and the destruction of Iraq's infrastructure. It's not like any of that stuff tells you anything about the actual state of the war.

I gotta say, though, I'm baffled by Putz's claim that he doesn't blog about bad guys getting captured.

Quite the opposite is true.

Apparently, the rule is: Any news that reflects well on the Bush Administration's prosecution of the war tells you something about what's really happening. But violence, mayhem, destruction, bombings, death...not so much.

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