Wednesday, November 15, 2006

So that's what we're doing wrong in Iraq.

Now this is the Putz we all know and ridicule.
RALPH PETERS ON IRAQ: "With political correctness permeating our government and even the upper echelons of the military, we never tried the one technique that has a solid track record of defeating insurgents if applied consistently: the rigorous imposition of public order. That means killing the bad guys."
I really hope the Iraq Study Group takes note of this. See, those notoriously politically-correct generals, reporting to that squishy, politically-correct President, are simply killing insufficient numbers of bad Arabs.

Problem solved!


Anonymous said...

It depends on your definition of "bad Arab". For most, including Peters and Insta, it is the same as "Arab". You would have thought Insta would have picked up an Arab friend by now who he could refer to, like Colbert has a black friend, a Jewish friend, etc.

Anonymous said...

Another Putz gem "Poor Howard (Dean). Like Rumsfeld he won a brilliant victory but now he's getting chewed up in the ensuing internecine strife." Who else in the world sez Rumsfeld "won a brilliant victory"? He's in one of the steps of grief (denial), but his stay there has lasted much too long.