(Mugshot of the drug-addicted college dropout draft dodging divorcee).
Putz's rabidly right-wing readership must be in complete shock today: over 60% of them predicted that the Republicans would hold both houses, when every poll on the planet indicated otherwise. Apparently, his readers are as delusional and out of it as he is.
So he's giving them a pep talk today.
I NOTED EARLIER that Ann Althouse is depressed about the elections, and looking around it seems that a lot of people feel that way. Well, I understand that, God knows.God knows? Why are a couple "non-partisans" like Putz and Ann "depressed" about the Republicans losing the election?
Then there's this.
Meanwhile I note that Rush Limbaugh, who was complaining about my pre-mortem before, now says he feels "liberated" because he's able to say things like . . . what I said back before the election. Well, better late than never, but one problem with the GOP is that it lost touch with the things it was supposed to stand for, and a little more tough love from Limbaugh before the election might have done some good.What Putz said before the election is well documented on this blog, below. Since September, he's been offering up a lame Limbaughesque list of reasons the GOP would win, and a few reasons they might lose, which have been exposed as ridiculous in light of the exit polling.
That Putz even bothers to consider anything the drug-addicted, thrice divorced, draft-dodging college dropout says is telling. But that he thinks an admitted lying, hateful propagandist like Limbaugh could actually do "some good" for the Republican Party is truly disturbing.
Rushbo, with his classless diatribe against Michael J. Fox, may have cost the Republicans control of the senate. And who knows how many other moderates and independents, who overwhelmingly voted Democratic in 2006, have turned away from the GOP because of the bile that spews out of that pill-popping blowhard's mouth every day.
Putz, one more time: Harriet Miers and William Jefferson did not cost the Republicans the election. Iraq and Bush did. And Rush Limbaugh is not the answer to the GOP's problems, and clearly, neither are you.
1 comment:
Putz has turned a corner - he now openly admires Rush. Is he angling for a radio commentator job? And Althouse depressed? I'd be depressed too if I had to take cross country trips by myself. I like the company of people.
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