Thursday, November 30, 2006

Putz carefully analyzes the Iraq Study Group report.

I'VE BEEN WONDERING why everybody makes a big deal about the ISG report leak -- it seems as if it stands for more or less the current plan.
What the hell is the "current plan"? Anyone know?
No big surprise -- it's not like the ISG is made up of a bunch of guys who've spent their lives thinking outside the box.
Yeah, what a bunch of technocratic nobodys. So uninspired. Sandra Day O'Connor, Lawrence Eagleburger, William Perry. Blah, blah, blah. How can they possibly comprehend the genius of W's strategery?
So this seems to be much ado about nothing, as a "cut and run" doesn't seem imminent.
It only "seems" that way, Putz, because the report hasn't been released, and Bush doesn't have to follow it's recommendations even when it is. And what does "cut and run" mean? I suppose it's the opposite of "the current plan." I also have no idea how long "imminent" is, but one assumes it's less than a Friedman.

Glad the "war blogger" has cleared that up for us.

1 comment:

Charles Giacometti said...

The Tennessee Turd is trying to pre-spin the report to make it seem like it was Bush's idea.