Monday, November 27, 2006

Another non-insult of the troops.

Undaunted by the election results, Putz plays the insulting-the-troops card again. This time, he's pointing and shrieking at another combat veteran who happened to receive the Purple Heart and Bronze Star in Korea.
DISSING THE TROOPS AGAIN: Charles Rangel pulls a John Kerry, and I don't think he'll be able to explain this as a "botched joke."

Karl Rove's prayer: Get this guy on TV as much as possible!

Apparently Putz never got the memo that Americans who don't get their news from Rush Limbaugh and Michelle Malkin understood that Kerry didn't insult the troops. And all Rangel said was that given the choice, most people would avoid serving in Iraq. You'd think this would be kind of obvious -- not many of us want to get blown up by an IED to prevent Sunnis from killing Shiites. No insult of the troops. Just common sense.

And Karl Rove? I don't think Karl Rove is going to be running many more elections after presiding over the worst Republican losses in decades. But hang in there, Putz. Maybe you can keep this non-event alive until 2008.

Good luck with that.


Anonymous said...

Rangel hypothesis - "If a young fella has an option of having a decent career or joining the army to fight in Iraq, you can bet your life that he would not be in Iraq.".
The proof starts with Exhibit A - Glenn Reynolds.

Charles Giacometti said...

Instarube once tried to maintain the ruse that he was not merely a mouthpiece for Republican talking points. Now he doesn't even bother with the ruse. He is an unvarnished partisan for the worst of this administration, nothing more and nothing less.

And, as the anonymous poster above correctly noted, Instarube is a warrior of the keyboard only. When he handles a gun, it's only to shoot at tin cans in his backyard.

As a veteran, I can tell you that I have zero respect for the Republican chickenhawks and enormous respect for political leaders--on both sides of the aisle--who have actually served. And notice how the ones who have actually served are critical of Bush, and the only people who are still in Bush's corner are the hollow men like Instarube.

Anonymous said...

It should be obvious to any "young bright fellow"that Rangel isn't suggesting that those fighting in Iraq are "too dumb" to be of any other use.He's saying that these "young bright fellows"are in Iraq because they come from areas of high unemployment and therefore their immediate choices are limited.Who hasn't seen video of army recruiters aggressively pursuing potential cannon fodder through poor neighborhoods and strip malls,other than say,Glenn Insta-putz?

Anonymous said...

Putz wrote about his family gathering on Thanksgiving. About 25 people. Not a peep about those in uniform, serving in the War on Terror. My guess is no one at that dinner had any close connection to anyone serving. And, if polls are accurate, about 16 of those at dinner think Iraq is a fiasco, but probably held their tongue so they could enjoy Glenn's leg of lamb.