Monday, October 02, 2006

More non-partisan attacks against Democrats.

This post is a couple days old, but the sheer ugliness of it is over the top, even for Putz (emphasis mine).
VICTOR DAVIS HANSON DOESN'T LIKE JIMMY CARTER MUCH: "In his dotage, Carter is proving once again that he is as malicious and mean-spirited a public figure as he is historically ignorant. And for all his sanctimonious Christian veneer, and fly-fishing, ‘aw shucks blue-jeans image, he can’t hide an essentially ungracious and unkind soul. . . . Carter’s Waterloo, of course was the Iranian hostage crisis. It was not just that his gutting of the military helped to explain the rescue disaster. Far more importantly, we can chart the rise of radical political Islam with the storming of the American embassy in Teheran and the impotent response of Jimmy Carter."
Carter "gutted" the military he inherited from two Republican presidents in less than two years? The Islamist and anti-American Iranian revolution was Carter's fault, and not rooted in the fact that the US government under Eisenhower toppled a democracy and installed the brutal Shah?

As if these absurd charges and caustic ad hominem attacks against a former US President, naval officer, and Nobel Prize winner weren't enough, Hanson also suggests that President Clinton is a psychotic narcissist, repeats the tired and patently false accusations that John Kerry and Dick Durbin equated US troops with Islamic terrorists and Pol Pot, and tops it all off by falsely linking these politicians and the Democratic Party with Michael Moore and Cindy Sheehan.

In short, the "non-partisan" Putz chose to post this string of bogus, vicious partisan attacks against Democrats, from a senior fellow at a right wing think tank who's got a dossier at Media Matters, and who just as recently as March 1, 2006 declared, "We are winning in Iraq."

Now why would he do that?

Why don't you e-mail him and ask him.

1 comment:

Scott Lemieux said...

And, of course, military spending went up significantly under Carter...