Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Theocracy? What theocracy?

Putz reviews the jacket cover of Sully's new book about the Christianist takeover of the GOP.
IN THE MAIL: Andrew Sullivan's new book, The Conservative Soul: How We Lost It, How to Get It Back. Having never made any pretense at being a conservative, my interest in this topic is pretty much academic, but I'm pretty sure that this passage in the publisher's blurb is wrong: "They have substituted religion for politics, and damaged both."In fact, there has been plenty of politics, and not all that much religion, out of the Bush Administration and the Republican Party over the past six years. There are theocrats and theocrat-wannabes out there, but they're really not much in evidence in the Bush Administration's policies, and the rest of the blurb certainly seems to suggest that Sullivan thinks otherwise.
Indeed. So does the news.

Bush's faith-based initiatives launched.
Bush signs Schiavo legislation.
Ashcroft challenges Oregon assisted suicide law.
Rove consulted with Dobson on Miers pick.
Bush vetoes stem cell bill.
Bush calls for constitutional ban on same-sex marriage.
Bush: schools should teach intelligent design.

I don't think Putz is paying very close attention to these things.

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