Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Lindsey Graham: terrorist coddler.

It's been four days now since three Republican Senators, all military veterans, told Bush he can't torture, and Putz hasn't quite found the time to work it in. Again, you'd think a law professor and war blogger would be interested in this stuff. And again, if it were a Democratic Senate blocking Bush, we'd be hearing daily about how much Democrats love Osama.

Anyway, Putz finally manages only this post today on the topic, using some brilliant legal and military affairs expert named "John Hawkins" from Right Wing News as a source, who claims that Lindsey Graham wants to "coddle terrorists."

To this absurdity, Putz adds:
There are arguments for treating terrorists as if the Geneva Conventions applied, but reciprocity isn't one of them and, as Hawkins notes, the argument from reciprocity actually cuts the other way.
First, let's just take a look at the sheer ass-clownery of taking "John Hawkins'" word over Lindsey Graham's. Lindsey Graham is a US Senator and former Congressman, and Air Force JAG lawyer who served during the first Gulf War. I think "John Hawkins" is a blogger or something.

Second, don't you love the phrase, "there are arguments for treating terrorists as if the Geneva Conventions applied" as though this is somehow still a controversial point after Hamdan vs. Rumsfeld?

Just a wild guess, but I bet Colin Powell (former Joint Chiefs, SoS), Lindsey Graham (JAG/USAF), John McCain (USNA, Vietnam Veteran and POW), and John Warner (USMC, Korea) all know more about the Geneva Conventions and military law than "John Hawkins" -- or you, for that matter Putz.

What a tool.

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