Wednesday, September 06, 2006


Only took the "war blogger" twelve hours, but he finally got around to making some reference to Pakistan's truce with the Taliban. Putz initially posted this:
BILL ROGGIO: "The news of the Pakistani government signing a truce agreement with the Taliban in North Waziristan is far worse than being reported."
But perhaps realizing how this makes a mockery of the Dear Leader's infallible doctrine, he sneaked in this lame qualifier just minutes later, while conspicuously neglecting to add the word "UPDATE":
Note, however, that Pakistan is denying reports that it's given Osama a pass.
Yes, we'll note that Putz. No dout that the Pakistanis are sincere and have every intention of getting bin Laden, even though they just gave the Taliban their own little sanctuary, and he's probably been hiding within their borders for years. Mmm-hmm.

Putz's girlfriend isn't buying the pro-Bush spin. Meanwhile, the freepers are already calling for the nukes.

Ahh, the smell of the wingnutosphere imploding in the morning.

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