Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Why is Karl Rove smiling?

Putz is already declaring Lamont's win over Lieberman a win for the GOP.
And Markos observes: "Seeing Al From's oldest nemesis, Jesse Jackson, behind Lamont tonight must've driven him insane. That brings a smile to my face." And Karl Rove's, I imagine.
I love how every political situation always works to Karl Rove's advantage.

Had Lieberman won, Karl Rove would be smiling because the "anti-war"/netroots candidate was rejected, by Democrats no less, and that would prove that Americans still trust Republicans more with national security, and still really like Bush, deep-down. Lieberman loses -- still a win for Rove and the GOP.


Here, we have a clear repudiation of Bush's calamity in Iraq, a war which two-thirds of the American people oppose. Check.

We have a clear repudiation of incumbancy when the Republicans control the Senate and the House and there's overhwleming discontent with their party. Check.

We have a clear repudiation of Bush's policies, as the race was ultimately a choice between someone who is too cozy to Bush and someone who will stand up and oppose Bush. Check.

But Karl Rove is smiling.


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