Wednesday, August 09, 2006

1972, again.

Putz, predictably, is convinced that Lamont's victory is bad news for Democrats, even though Lamont's position on the war, the central issue of the primary, is held by a majority of Americans.

Of course, he would've been equally convinced that Lamont's defeat was bad news for Democrats -- everything is.

But this is getting tired.
THE REAL WINNER FROM THE LAMONT VICTORY: Jim Geraghty, whose new book on "How 9/11 Launched the Era of Republican Leadership" will get a lot of attention as the Democrats move from a party that has supported the war whenever push came to shove, to an outright antiwar party of the 1972 variety.
We've gone over these numbers ad nauseum, but let's take a look at 1972 vs. 2006, since Putz keeps making this bullshit claim again and again.

Presidential Approval Rating

1972 (Aug.) Nixon - 60%
2006 (8/1) Bush - 40%

Presidential War/Job Approval Rating

1972 (median) Nixon - 54%
2006 (8/6) Bush - 36%

Was the war worth fighting or not worth fighting?

1972 (CBS) Vietnam
29% worth fighting/57% not worth fighting

2006 (CBS 7/25) Iraq
30% worth figthing/63% not worth fighting

For more comparisons, check out these great charts.

Putz must be ignorant of these numbers. The war in Iraq in 2006 is more unpopular than the war in Vietnam was in 1972. And remember, in 1972, we only half of the troops in Vietnam as we currently do in Iraq.

Bush, who Lamont essentially ran against, is a much less popular president than Nixon was in '72. He is in fact, historically unpopular, maybe the least popular 2nd-termer on record.

On top of all the other absurdities, Putz also ignores the fact that Nixon ran his 1972 campaign after having steadily reduced troop numbers in Vietnam, from 540,000 in 1969, to only 69,000 in 1972. None of this "stay the course" business we're getting from W. and the Busbots.

Finally, wasn't a Democrat elected in 1976? And didn't the Democrats still control Congress?

Hard facts, polls, statistics...they mean nothing to Putz, who's living in Bushland, where the war in Iraq has popular support, the only ones who opposite it are fringe leftists, and Bush is a popular President.

What a loon.

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