Thursday, July 13, 2006

Sullivan smacks Putz around.

A bad week for Putz has gotten worse. Fellow conservative Andrew Sullivan weighs in on the beating he took from Greenwald, and takes Greenwald's side.
I'm late to the blog contretemps between Glenn Reynolds and Glenn Greenwald. But I am as disappointed in Instapundit's abandonment of libertarianism and limited government as Greenwald is.
You simply can't be a libertarian and cheerlead for a big government, Christianist President. Unless of course, you're Putz.
But his appeasement of the Malkin right is truly dispiriting.
You also can't frequently criticize "the Left" for overheated rhetoric, and link daily to Michelle Malkin. Unless of course, you're Putz.

And by the way, Andrew, it's not "appeasement" it's promotion and approval.
But when push came to shove, Reynolds never challenged in any serious way the abuses of power in this administration nor the extremism of the Malkinesque blogosphere. When a libertarian finds any excuses to ignore or minimize government-sponsored illegality and torture, then he has truly ceased to be a libertarian in any profound sense.

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