Friday, July 14, 2006

Everyone at Daily Kos is just so...mean!

This post is so fantastically Putzlike, I've decided to translate it for you, in English.

Those Daily Kos people are so mean!

I should know, because I'm the sole arbiter of what constitutes civil discourse in the blogosphere. How dare Blogometer compare Hugh Hewitt, who's so nice, to all those angry Kossacks, who are so mean!

I mean, Hugh shows nothing but politeness and respect to people he with whom he disagrees. Nothing Hugh does can ever be compared unfavorably to any of the hundreds of thousands of posts on Daily Kos.

Take for example, the time those meanies at Daily Kos were so mean to me, when I called them a
bunch of fringe, fanatic, Deaniacs, and falsely claimed that James Webb's victory was a loss for them, even though Kos had endorsed Webb.

Why are they so darn mean?

Can't they just emphasize the common ground, like my good friends, Michelle Malkin and Pamela at Atlas Shrugged?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ah the perfesser's selective outrage, he never tires of it.