Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Oh, Republicans want to talk about jobs now?

“This campaign is ultimately going to become about jobs not dogs,” said Romney in an interview with Bill Cunningham on WLW radio in Ohio. “You recognize of course that some members of the media, and certainly the DNC and the White house itself are going to do everything in their power to divert the attention of the voter from the failure of the president to try to turn around the economy.”
Fine idea. But funny how we didn't hear:

“This campaign is ultimately going to become about jobs not preachers.”
“This campaign is ultimately going to become about jobs not birth certificates.”
“This campaign is ultimately going to become about jobs not Bill Ayers.”

Or, earlier:

“This campaign is ultimately going to become about jobs, not the Swift Boat Veterans.”
“This campaign is ultimately going to become about jobs not Jane Fonda."
“This campaign is ultimately going to become about jobs not windsurfing."

Go figure.

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