Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Judith Miller: From Pulitzer to Birther.

Martin Peretz, in his usual understated manner, writes that "Judith Miller is a journalist's journalist, a reporter's reporter." This is odd, not just because a) this is a stupid cliche, which certainly doesn't apply to a reporter now best-known for getting spun by her sources and  b) even Peretz's own magazine noted that she "credulously relayed key administration talking points" and accused her of "parroting of White House propaganda." 

Anyway, I followed Peretz's link, just to see what Miller was up to these days and where she'd landed. Turns out: Whoa.

Newsmax has published Miller's work more than a half-dozen times in the last month. (She's also appeared in many other outlets, including Fox News, The Wall Street Journal and The Daily Beast.)

This is remarkable. In 2002, Judith Miller shared a Pulitzer for explanatory reporting. Not ten years later, she's writing for a publication famous for stories about the 'amero,' lies about White House appointments, fantasies of a 'military coup,' and the skinny on why Obama's birth certificate 'matters.'

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