Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Why does Peter King hate America?

Here's someone who doesn't understand what makes this country special.

A "furious" Rep. Peter King, the hawkish, maverick Long Island Republican, blasted a "disgraceful" Eric Holder for opening an investigation of CIA interrogators and chided his own party for what he described as a weak response to the move in an interview just now with POLITICO.

"It’s bulls***. It’s disgraceful. You wonder which side they’re on," he said of the attorney general's move, which he described as a "declaration of war against the CIA, and against common sense."
There's a scene in John Adams where, after Adams agrees to defend the British soldiers who participated in the Boston Massacre, Sam, his cousin, accosts him. I'm paraphrasing, but it goes like this.

"What side are you on, John?!" Sam demands. Adams replies, "The side of the law. What other side is there?"


Rule of law means nothing to people like Peter King, and it's still shocking to me that people like him hold positions of power in our government.

They need to be purged.

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