Monday, March 09, 2009


What was once a dynamic duo is now a mighty troika. TS and Blue Texan have asked me to join the Instaputz crew. Let me introduce myself.

I am the person responsible for, quite possibly the internet's most complete synthesis of political commentary and dick jokes. I'm wrapping up a Ph.D. in Political Science and starting a gig as a real professor this fall...just like my idol, Glenn Reynolds. In fact I am exactly like Glenn Reynolds except I read books, I have shame, I can construct a basic logical argument using "facts" to support my conclusions, and I do not look like a cross between an extra from a IRS-themed porno and one of the jug players from the house band on Hee-Haw. Other than that, we are virtually the same person.

Like TS and Blue Texan, I simply love tearing right-wing media jackasses a new and entirely superfluous asshole. My favorite targets are, but are not limited to, Thomas Friedman, David Brooks, and pretty much anyone whose columns are syndicated on the intellectual Chernobyl that is I'm thrilled to be here and I hope I add to your enjoyment of this site. Like a trip to a shady massage parlor, I want this chapter in Instaputz history to have a happy ending.

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