Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Glenn Reynolds equates the mainstream press with Hugh Hewitt.

A new level of insanity.

DEMANDING A SARAH PALIN PRESS CONFERENCE: Sure, bring it on -- right after Obama takes questions from Bob Owens, Stanley Kurtz, David Freddoso, the Powerline guys, and Hugh Hewitt on the Bill Ayers/Annenberg business.

Oh, and maybe a discussion of his Columbia and Harvard transcripts. Only one candidate is being sheltered from tough press questions with the active complicity of the press.

Obama has taken questions for years, and from the likes of Fox News and Bill O'Reilly. What, O'Reilly's not right wing enough? Why shouldn't Palin sit down with say, Rachel Maddow?

Palin has yet to subject herself to a single presser. And it's pretty clear to everyone with half a brain why.

But anyone who equates a beat reporter from the Des Moines Register or the Cleveland Plain Dealer with a right wing party hack like Hew Hughitt is simply not a functional adult.

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