Wednesday, March 26, 2008

But Don't Call Them Prudish Rubes!

Jim Geraghty:
Last night Hugh Hewitt played clips from the audiobook of Dreams From My Father, read aloud by the author. I was surprised to hear Obama's familiar voice, occasionally using the N-word and the F-word. (Hugh bleeped it out for radio broadcast, obviously, but Obama uses the actual word on tape.)

The audiotape was released in 2005, after he was elected to the Senate. It's a free country, and Obama can use any language he likes. But as Hugh noted, the audiobook was abridged, and the reference to doing cocaine was removed. But the N-word and F-word remained, and it seems like an unusual choice for an elected official who had to be at least thinking about running for president when he recorded it. You have to wonder what could be done with that audio in the age of YouTube.

Do you really? Kate Sheppard says that "this smear is also racially loaded."

When will Putz start pushing this? Sometime today, I'd guess.

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