Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Mark Hemingway thinks you're an idiot.

Sez Markie Mark:
Nobody believes Reagan is a bigot.
Again, I don't think this is worth understating: the capacity for wingnuts to argue with strawmen is really something to watch.

There is a huge massive gigantic freaking gynormous gap between "Reagan is a bigot" and Reagan willfully appealed to bigots.




I missed this but Dick Miniter plays the same straw man game with the totally idiotic question, "Did Reagan rely on racism to win?" Miniter goes on to state,
As it happened, Reagan did not win on racism and campaigned hard for black votes.
Again, no one is arguing that Reagan "won on racism." Who's made that claim? Where?

To recap, yet again:

"Reagan won the 1980 election because of racism";


"Reagan used racist code words and race-baiting throughout his political career" isn't the same thing.

Can't they just argue the second point honestly?

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