Friday, September 07, 2007

Hugh Hewitt's own readers turn against him.

Here's Putz, who can hardly contain his admiration for how civil and kind his BFF Hew Hughitt is:

I think, however, that their [Blogometer] comparison of Hugh Hewitt to Daily Kos in terms of tone is rather unfair. Hugh's pretty unhappy with McCain, but I don't think you can compare his treatment of McCain to the Kossacks' treatment of Joe Lieberman. And -- as I recall quite clearly from when I was at cross-purposes with the social-conservative right over the Terri Schiavo affair -- Hugh can and does show courtesy to people he disagrees with (and he and I disagree on plenty, actually). That's even true where he talks about the Kos Krowd, as he recently reminded his readers: "They aren't our enemies, only our opponents."

The Kos Krowd doesn't show that spirit, as evident in the response to my favorable comments on James Webb -- instead of welcoming me into the pro-Webb tent, they aimed scorn my way because I wasn't sufficiently respectful to the Kos Krowd. When it comes to issues, I probably disagree with Hugh on as many as I disagree with Kos. But when it comes to tone I think we're closer. I do think that people who, in Blogometer's words, emphasize common ground where it's possible to do so are more likely to do better in politics and life than those who look for divisions, and I'm pretty sure that Hugh feels that way, too.

Such a nice man, that Hew. Always looking for the common ground. Always reaching out. Like yesterday, for example -- here's Hew's own readers responding to his courteous and civil post about Fred Thompson's cancer:
Can you think of a more mean spirited person than Hugh Hewitt?

This is so sad and desperate. It is obvious that you think your candidate is in trouble when you stoop to such low levels.

Playing the cancer card is despicable.

Goodness, you would think Hugh and Mitt are shoveling dirt on Fred's grave and then dancing on it.


Hugh Hewitt, this is perhaps the most shameful post I have ever seen a conservative blogger make.

Quite a slimy, Rovian tactic to raise scares and rumors about his health. Partisan hackery at its finest.

A very, VERY low blow, Hugh...

Hugh has shown his true colors today...this crosses the line.

This is nothing new from Hugh.

Hugh, do you beg for the scooby snax from romney when he yanks your leash?

How do your Christian backers at Salem view your un-Christian, underhanded tactics, and you being a proxy for Romney, at the expense of the quality and content of your show and blog?

Hewitt, you are a liar and a smear monger. This is the most disgusting post you have ever made. I usually love to watch the meltdowns here, but this is pretty heinous. Seriously, Hugh, Have you no shame? You are such a shill for Romney, it isn't funny anymore, it's not cute, it's sick.
[h/t Daniel]

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