Friday, September 07, 2007

BREAKING! Joe Lieberman (Inadvertently) Honest

A slip of the tongue?

HH: One of those dark days in the Kennedy administration is when Diem was overthrown.

JL: Yeah.

HH: And you know, Bobby and Jack did not intend that he be killed, but he was killed, and we entered into this long period of instability.

JL: Right.

HH: The attacks on the prime minister of Iraq, Maliki right now…

JL: Right.

HH: Do they remind you of the undermining of Diem from ’62?

JL: Well you know, I don’t know if anybody’s thinking about that, but that’s a very important lesson to take from history. You know, Maliki is operating in a tough climate, politically. And you know, he’s no more perfect than any member of Congress. But he’s, I think he’s trying real hard, and I think we’ve got to be very careful since we’re…part of why we say we’re there, and went in there is to liberate the Iraqi people from a brutal dictator, Saddam, and to give them the opportunity to determine their own destiny.

Emphasis mine. Did Lieberman just admit that "liberating" the Iraqis wasn't the reason we went into Iraq? Obvs, he can't say "bullshit post facto justification" on the air...

Still, how very refreshing!

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