Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Not a Binary Choice


DAVID FREDDOSO: "Why is it that Republicans — Craig, Mark Foley, and David Vitter — are the ones who keep getting caught in sex scandals nowadays? Yes, there are always Democrats with lurid stories — the Jim McGreeveys, Gary Harts and Barney Franks of the world (and a lot of others whose transgressions have never been proven or admitted to). But no one can deny that lately it’s been Republicans getting caught in the most peculiar and dastardly deeds."

Well, either they're more likely to do that stuff, or more likely to get caught in ways that become public. Which is it?

Both! If Republicans are more likely "do that stuff," doesn't it follow that, simply because of sheer numbers, they'd be more likely to get caught?

...Related: "I've come to the conclusion that Jeffrey Goldstein is actually David Schwimmer as Ross — every whiny argument seems to boil down to "But you're wronger" and every update is "nuh-UHHH!""

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