Thursday, August 30, 2007

Glenn Reynolds makes it okay for the right wing fringe to deny climate change.

That's why wingnuts love him. A couple weeks ago, he wrote: (updated)
I'll believe it's [climate change] a crisis when the people who say it's a crisis start acting like it's a crisis.
And people like this mouth breathing extra chromosomer, who used Putzy's words as a title, lapped it up:
I'LL START BELIEVING IT'S A CRISIS...if and when the scumbags at the UN starts acting like it is. Until then the corrupt anti-capitalist thieving bastards can kiss my capitalist ass. The hoax is so obvious not even the idiots at the UN fell for it.

Al Gore, criminally stupid pile of feces hoaxster that he is, can begin autofelating any minute now, and continue until he convinces anyone with an IQ above single digits that his crisis really is one.

Thanks to Instapundit for nearly saying it right.

Tell you what, Putzy and Bullwinkle. When you guys grab a rifle and get your asses in the kill zone, we'll believe you when you say we're in World War IV and the Islamofascist Terrorists Are Taking Over The World If We Don't Stop Them In Iraq Now. Until then, you might as well just shut up about the war.

By the way, here's some artwork from Bullwinkle's site.

Losing is for losers, indeed.


Bullwinkle, the Putz fan who apparently cannot read the English language, writes in comments:
The Chickenhawk thing works both ways. I'll start acting like the war in Iraq is wrong when you Marxist pussies pick up a gun and go fight beside your heros [sic] in Iraq. Put your parasitic asses on the line and prove you believe what you claim to believe.
There are Marxists fighting in Iraq? Damn, the Party never informed me! TS, let's go!

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