Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Brilliant comedy from Michelle Malkin.

Claims the Anchor Baby:
But the truth is, you won’t find a single Bush Kool-Aid drinker among the military bloggers, embedded independent journalists, and active-duty troops who prominently questioned the Beauchamp sham.
Actually, Michelle, the truth is that warbloggers like you, Putz and Hewitt shouted down every criticism of Bush and Rumsfeld's prosecution of the war for 4 years, tut-tutted every disaster along the way (looting is what free people do! frat pranks!), overhyped the good news (Uday is dead! We win!!!!) smeared Bush's critics as terror-emboldening traitors suffering from BDS, claimed the media wasn't covering the progress just to hurt Bush, and insisted all along that we didn't need more troops in theater.

Philly is more dangerous than Baghdad! Heh!

Then, as soon as the Great Leader called for the Surge, you warbloggers did a complete 180 on troop levels, and insisted those who were against it were defeatist surrender monkeys.

Bottom line: the Anchor Baby needs to produce a ream of posts where she and Putz and Ace and the rest of the 101sters called for Rummy's dismissal and warned that we were losing Iraq and needed to change course.


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