Monday, July 23, 2007


Putz says:

I'M SHOCKED, SHOCKED: "In the final poll of a series measuring perceptions of media bias, the Associated Press, local television stations, MSNBC, and CNBC are all perceived as tilting to the left when reporting the news."

What the poll doesn't say is that there is a media bias -- only that 30% of American adults believe the AP is so afflicted, 30% are sure that the local news is clapped up biased, 33% say MSNBC tilts left, etc...

Big deal. The poll doesn't say if these are the same idiots -- 37% at the moment -- who still think a) that Bush is doing a good job and b) are darn tootin' sure that 300 isn't the most homoerotic movie ever.

I'm going to invoke Noonan's law and wager that, yes, there's probably a bit of overlap.

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