Sunday, June 03, 2007

Dems Debate.

I didn't see the whole thing, but the little I saw made me like Hillary even less. Did I imagine it, or did she trot out the right wing "we gave the Iraqis the great gift of freedom and they've screwed it all it up" talking point?

She also was rather annoying when she maintained that she was "briefed by experts" but never bothered to read the whole NIE on Iraq. I just don't buy her excuse, that she trusted Bush to let the inspectors back in. Come on. She can't possibly have been that naive.

I thought Edwards and Obama did very well. I especially liked Obama's response to the Dobbsian question about English as the "official language." He just basically said it was a bullshit question. As with everything else, Hillary tried to spin it and say that English was our "national language" or some such other nonsense. I'm sure that's what the focus test said to do.

Winners: Obama, Edwards, Biden
Losers: Hillary, Richardson

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