Monday, April 16, 2007

Romney and guns, cont'd.

Putz finally (!) notes Mitt Romney's embarrassing and highly damaging gun gaffe by linking to this:
(link) You know you’re in trouble as a Republican candidate trying to get the endorsement of the NRA and the gun rights crowd when even Democrats are mocking your pro-gun claims...Romney can raise all the money he wants but he will never be trusted by the gun rights wing of the Republican Party. For that matter, nor will any of us consider Giuliani or McCain for those same reasons.
It's been almost two weeks since Romney got caught in a fib about guns. Guns are Putz's pet issue. And the DNC beats him to it? I'm quite certain that if John Edwards or Barack Obama had made the same false claim and had to reverse themselves, Putz would've practically started a whole new blog just to cover "Varmintgate."

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