Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Has it really come to this?

Don't look now, but Putz is so desperate to attack Al Gore, he's quoting James Inhofe. (updated below)

James. Freaking. Inhofe.

The James Inhofe who called global warming, "the greatest hoax ever perpetrated on the American people."
The James Inhofe who said not to worry about global warming because "God is still up there."
The James Inhofe who compared global warming advocates to Nazis.
The James Inhofe who said Al Gore is "full of crap."

Putz, we get it. You hate that Gore has been right on global warming all along and so you keep trumping up these phony hypocrisy charges.

But, c'mon. When you use a total wackjob like James Inhofe to make your point, you've already lost the argument.


Even John Podhoretz thinks Inhofe was ridiculous.
Inhofe was behaving boorishly toward Gore during his questioning. He'd ask questions, Gore would answer them and then Inhofe would whine that Gore was eating up Inhofe's time. It was very discomfiting, and Boxer was in the right to bust him on it. If a Republican had ever done the same, we would have cheered it. Senators and congressmen get the idea that it's okay for them to act like bullies because some people in their home state cast votes for them, but it isn't, and it doesn't matter what party they belong to. Message to Inhofe: It's inappropriate behavior to ask a witness, even Al Gore, a question that contains an insult and then ask for the answer in writing so you can go on to your next, also presumably insulting, question.
So the National Review takes Gore's side and Putz takes Inhofe's. Pretty much says it all.

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